The global markets fuel our imagination like nothing else. Unlimited information to study. Countless ways to take action. Fast feedback. Boundless opportunity. It’s got it all.
We apply the scientific method to investment management. Some people call us systematic. Here’s what that means to us: We combine massive amounts of data, world-class computing power and financial expertise to develop sophisticated trading models. And we use technology in an effort to constantly refine our investment process and our insights into how the markets will behave. Risk is a living thing in our business, and we watch over it carefully.
Technology & Data
Technology drives our business. We use machine learning, distributed computing and other technologies to find connections in the world’s data. We’ve been pushing the frontiers of Big Data since before it was a buzzword. To us, it’s just data. We work with vast sets of it, from over a thousand diverse sources.
Investment Management
We’re always looking to improve our investment strategies, measuring our results as we go along. So we can make more intelligent trading decisions, with one eye on generating real alpha, and the other on effectively managing risk.
Research & The Scientific Method
Guided by the scientific method, we devise models that begin with inspired ideas or economic hypotheses. In a systematic, process-driven fashion, models are expanded, tested and integrated into our investment strategies.