Our Projects

In the finance industry, balancing IP concerns with the drive to give back to the community is a constant challenge.  Wherever possible though, we believe in open sourcing the tools we’ve developed to help create meaning from the world’s data. BeakerX is a pivot from our open source notebook to a set of extensions of JupyterLab, Flint provides time-series analysis in Spark, and git-meta lets users manage multiple repositories with git submodules.

Orange images of different tech terms

Our Partnerships

We’re committed to sustaining digital infrastructure for the public good.  Part of rising to this challenge is partnering with other organizations that support the unseen labor maintaining a healthy open source ecosystem. We work closely with Mesosphere and Continuum, and recently became a Gold Sponsor of NumFOCUS.

Our engineering teams have made major code contributions to projects we care about, including Jupyter, pandas, Apache Arrow, Apache Parquet, Bazel and Git.


Two Sigma diamond in center with circles and squares with arrows pointing to it

Open Source Events

This year, our annual, company-wide open source hack day, TS Open, concentrated on contributing to Jupyter, IPython and IPyWidgets.  We worked with Jupyter core contributors to curate a list of approachable issues, and the event resulted in over 30 accepted pull requests. We’re excited to deepen our partnership with the Jupyter team.

We also host weekly open source hack nights, and open our space to the public for open source related meetups.

TS Open logo
